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Category: TradeSkillsMothers Crafting Window
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How do I install this? (FAQ)
Name: Mothers Crafting Window   Popular!
Date: 10-17-2007 09:23 AM
Size: 394.56 Kb
Version: 2.0.1-gfx11
Rate Addon: 5 out of 5 with 3 votes  
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Size: 21.35 Kb
Dimensions: 320 x 457
Crafting window with complication
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Size: 21.66 Kb
Dimensions: 319 x 459
Crafting window showing catalyst, dust cap, and complication
I welcome feedback in my released thread or my portal page!

Version 2.0.1
Should be GU3 compatible thanks to Panther7 for figuring it out.

Version 2.0.0
Rewrite from the ground up, eliminates the annoying lag that some users suffered between choosing a crafting action family and the crafting actions showing up.

Version 1.0.1

Modified the layout of the action icons to accomodate stages that could habe more than 6 possible actions. Action icons will have moved for people and I apologize but it was unavoidable.

Version 1.0.0
The Vanguard crafting window has annoyed me since early on. It's not horrible, but I've lost a few too many dusts to the placement of the catalyst button. I spend a lot of time moving my mouse about everywhere. I've accidentally cancelled a craft because the cancel button is in the middle of all the action. (Ok, I was drunk - but that's not the point.)

Anyhow, this UI was built to address those problems. The things you need to click on have been pulled in tight so your mouse doesn't get tired.

It is now impossible to accidentally not add a catalyst thanks to Mother's Dust Cap[tm] technology. When the catalyst step comes up, the other step 3 actions are covered, preventing you from clicking on them. If you decide not to use a catalyst, just click on the no dust button (Look at picture, I'm sure you can figure out which button it is.) and it'll remove the cover allowing you to go on with no dust... but it'll be intentional, not an accidental skip.

Note on the gfx version number
Because of the number of times I've had to update all my files for minor graphics changes, I'm now including a graphics number in the version. If you use several of my mods and I update every file with a graphics patch and nothing else (only the graphics part of the version number goes up, not the rest) then installing the patch for any one of those mods you use will update them all. So instead of downloading 6 files and installing them all, you would only have to do 1. Just trying to be helpful.

To install:

If you have never installed a Vanguard mod before:

1. Locate and open your Vanguard directory. (This is by default C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard)
2. In that directory, find and open the folder named "VGUIAssets"
3. In that directory, find and open the folder named "Shells"
4. Unzip the entire zip file into the shells directory. (You should have a folder called "Mothers" inside your shells directory when you are done.)
5. Go back to your Vanguard directory from step 1
6. In that directory, find and open the folder named "bin"
7. In that directory, find and open the file called "vgclient.ini" (just double click it and it should open with notepad.)
8. Find the part of the file that looks like:
9. Change the ShellName line as follows:
10. Launch Vanguard and enjoy!

If you have installed other Mother's UIs for Vanguard:

1. Locate and open your Vanguard directory. (This is by default C:\Program Files\Sony\Vanguard)
2. In that directory, find and open the folder named "VGUIAssets"
3. In that directory, find and open the folder named "Shells"
4. In that directory, find and open the folder named "Mothers"
5. In that directory, find and open the folder named "Textures"
6. Copy from the zip file the two files with names beginning with "mothers_widgets" and place them in the skins folder you just opened.
7. Go back up one level to the "Mothers" folder.
8. In that directory, find and open the folder named "Windows"
9. Look in that folder for a file called "VGUICrafting.xml"
9a. If that file exists, overwrite it with the same-named file from the zip file. This is the only modified file. Congratulations, you are done. Launch Vanguard and enjoy!
9b. If that file does not exist, copy all the files that start with "VGUI_PlayerStatus" from the zip file into the folder you are now in.
10. Go back up to the "Mothers" folder.
11. Open the "Index.xml" file with notepad. (You'll probably have to right-click and choose "Open With" to do so.)
12. Find the line that reads:
 <GameplayWindows directory="Windows">
13. Immediately after that line, add the following line:
  <Window filename="VGUICrafting.xml"/>
14. Find the lines that read: (probably above the place you are editting)
          <Window filename="VGUICrafting.xml"/>
        <Window filename="VGUICraftingActions.xml"/>
        <Window filename="VGUICraftingCatalyst.xml"/>
        <Window filename="VGUICraftingComplications.xml"/>
        <Window filename="VGUICraftingRemedies.xml"/>
        <Window filename="VGUICraftingToolbelts.xml"/>
15. Delete those six entire lines.
16. Load and play Vanguard.
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
394.55 Kb
09-27-2007 09:54 AM
479.06 Kb
05-25-2007 09:22 AM
248.28 Kb
05-16-2007 04:27 PM
248.25 Kb
04-18-2007 12:37 PM
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Old 03-13-2008, 11:40 AM  
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I really like the way this is setup. The only thing I have not been able to figure out is how to get the Grade and Action points bars (graphic) to show. The numbers are there just not the bar itself.
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