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Text Formatting

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  • From VGInterface Wiki


    Authors: Parmon
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    Sometimes instead of using multiple TextFields anchored to eachother you want to just add a % after some text. Vanguard provides a couple tags for formatting text inside of a textfields <Text> element.

    Main Formatters

    • <gamevar=SomeGameVar>
    Adds the contents of a game variable
    • <color=somecolor>text</color>
    Colors the containing text
    • <nl>
    New Line
    • <size=10></size>
    Changes the size of containing text
    • <indent=10></indent>
    Indents the contained text a certain number of pixels
    • <image=VgrdImageName>
    Inserts an image into the text. mainly used for bullets
    Examples being VgrdBulletWhite, VgrdBulletGreen, VgrdBulletRed
    • <vgv=SomeGameVar></vgv>
    Contents will only be visible only if the var returns a non false value
    • <highlight></color>
    Highlights the contained to a lighter version of the current color defined.

    Less Common

    • <pcname></link>
    Makes a name meant for click to tell
    • <item=0:0::0,0,0,></link>
    Used with linking items in chat

    When using all < and > must be replaced by &lt; and &gt;


    <Text>&lt;gamevar=StatusHitpointsSelf.Percent&gt; %</Text>

    This would display your current health percent. 100 % . Next

    <Text>&lt;gamevar=StatusHitpointsSelf.Percent&gt; &lt;color=yellow&gt;%&lt;/color&gt;</Text>

    Will display the same thing but the % sign is colored yellow.

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