/*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || || # vBulletin 3.6.12 Patch Level 2 || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # Copyright ©2000-2013 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. || || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # || || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # || || # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # || || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ /** * Array to store initialized vB_AJAX_ReadMarker objects * * @var array */ var vB_ReadMarker = new Array() var vB_ReadMarker = { 'forum_statusicon_prefix' : 'forum_statusicon_', 'thread_statusicon_prefix' : 'thread_statusicon_', 'thread_gotonew_prefix' : 'thread_gotonew_', 'thread_title_prefix' : 'thread_title_' }; // ############################################################################# // vB_AJAX_ReadMarker // ############################################################################# /** * vBulletin AJAX forum read marker class * * Allows a forum, its child forums and all contained threads to be marked as read * * @param integer Forum ID to be marked as read */ function vB_AJAX_ReadMarker(forumid) { this.forumid = forumid; }; /** * Initializes the AJAX request to mark the forum as read */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.mark_read = function() { forumid = this.forumid; this.ajax = new vB_AJAX_Handler(true); this.ajax.onreadystatechange(vB_ReadMarker[forumid].ajax_check); this.ajax.send('ajax.html?do=markread&f=' + this.forumid, 'do=markread&forumid=' + this.forumid); }; /** * Receives the AJAX response and passes the XML to the handle_xml function * * @return boolean false */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.ajax_check = function() { var AJAX = vB_ReadMarker[forumid].ajax.handler; if (AJAX.readyState == 4 && AJAX.status == 200) { if (AJAX.responseXML) { vB_ReadMarker[forumid].handle_forums_xml(AJAX.responseXML); } if (is_ie) { AJAX.abort(); } } return false; }; /** * Handles the XML response from the AJAX response * * Passes forum IDs in XML to handler functions * * @param string XML containing nodes with forum ID contents */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.handle_forums_xml = function(forums_xml) { var forum_nodes = fetch_tags(forums_xml, 'forum'); for (var i = 0; i < forum_nodes.length; i++) { var forumid = this.ajax.fetch_data(forum_nodes[i]); this.update_forum_status(forumid); var threadbits_object = fetch_object('threadbits_forum_' + forumid); if (threadbits_object) { this.handle_threadbits(threadbits_object); } } }; /** * Updates the status of a 'forumbit*' template * * @param integer Forum ID */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.update_forum_status = function(forumid) { var imageobj = fetch_object(vB_ReadMarker['forum_statusicon_prefix'] + forumid); if (imageobj) { imageobj.style.cursor = 'default'; imageobj.title = imageobj.otitle; imageobj.src = this.fetch_old_src(imageobj.src, 'forum'); } }; /** * Scans the provided object for gotonew links in threads * * @param object HTML object containing 'threadbit*' templates */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.handle_threadbits = function(threadbits_object) { var links = fetch_tags(threadbits_object, 'a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].id && links[i].id.substr(0, vB_ReadMarker['thread_gotonew_prefix'].length) == vB_ReadMarker['thread_gotonew_prefix']) { this.update_thread_status(links[i].id.substr(vB_ReadMarker['thread_gotonew_prefix'].length)); } } }; /** * Updates the status of a 'threadbit*' template * * @param integer Thread ID */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.update_thread_status = function(threadid) { var statusicon = fetch_object(vB_ReadMarker['thread_statusicon_prefix'] + threadid); if (statusicon) { statusicon.src = this.fetch_old_src(statusicon.src, 'thread'); } var gotonew = fetch_object(vB_ReadMarker['thread_gotonew_prefix'] + threadid); if (gotonew) { gotonew.parentNode.removeChild(gotonew); } var threadtitle = fetch_object(vB_ReadMarker['thread_title_prefix'] + threadid); if (threadtitle) { threadtitle.style.fontWeight = 'normal'; } }; /** * Converts an image source from x_new.y to the appropriate x_old.y format * * @param string Original image source * @param string Type ('forum' or 'thread') * * @return string New image source */ vB_AJAX_ReadMarker.prototype.fetch_old_src = function(newsrc, type) { var foo = newsrc.replace(/_(new)([\._])(.+)$/i, (type == 'thread' ? '$2$3' : '_old$2$3')); return foo; }; // ############################################################################# // Ancilliary functions // ############################################################################# /** * Initializes a request to mark a forum and its children as read * * @param integer Forum ID to be marked as read * * @return boolean false */ function mark_forum_read(forumid) { if (AJAX_Compatible) { vB_ReadMarker[forumid] = new vB_AJAX_ReadMarker(forumid); vB_ReadMarker[forumid].mark_read(); } else { window.location = 'forumdisplay.html?' + SESSIONURL + 'do=markread&forumid=' + forumid; } return false; }; /** * Translates the ID of a scanned object into a forum ID and passes it to mark_forum_read() * * @param event */ function init_forum_readmarker_icon(e) { mark_forum_read(this.id.substr(vB_ReadMarker['forum_statusicon_prefix'].length)); }; /** * Scans images on a page for forum status icons indicating that they contain new posts * then initializes them to activate the read marking system on double-click */ function init_forum_readmarker_system() { var images = fetch_tags(document, 'img'); for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { if (images[i].id && images[i].id.substr(0, vB_ReadMarker['forum_statusicon_prefix'].length) == vB_ReadMarker['forum_statusicon_prefix']) { if (images[i].src.search(/\/([^\/]+)(new)(_lock)?\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i) != -1) { img_alt_2_title(images[i]); images[i].otitle = images[i].title; images[i].title = vbphrase['doubleclick_forum_markread']; images[i].style.cursor = pointer_cursor; images[i].ondblclick = init_forum_readmarker_icon; } } } }; /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || # Downloaded: 16:31, Tue Jan 8th 2024 || # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 15486 $ || #################################################################### \*======================================================================*/